Monday, May 17, 2010

Christmas isn't what it used to be.?

I hat how Christmas is so commercialized and make it seem like its all about going to the store and wrapping gifts. It is about the birth of Christ. And it is so commercialized that people who don't even know the meaning of it and aren't even the righjt religion or don't even have a religion celebrae it anyway for the gifts. I also hate how on television all of the Christmas shows like the holiday episodes of sitcoms it says that Christmas is all about giving, that's good but it isn't ALL about giving. I've only seen the Fresh Prince Of Bell-Air and House Of Paine reference the birth of Christ. I'm not saying that you CAN'T celebrate it if you aren't the right religion, but I just think its wrong. Just like the sing at my church says "Put Christ back in Christmas.

Christmas isn't what it used to be.?
amen brother!
Reply:it is just how it used to be if you think about it it has always been about money and gifts lights and trees in the house all pagan all the same
Reply:God is blessing Christmas special this year.

And also the newest news about the Star of Bethlehem and our Church has a wonderful Christian program again this year .
Reply:Put Christ back in Christmas? Christ NEVER was in Christmas. Christmas is a pagan holiday that was "Christianized" by the Catholic Church.

The Bible does not reveal the exact date of Jesus’ birth. More than that, “the early Christians did not celebrate His birth,” comments The World Book Encyclopedia. And why not? “Because they considered the celebration of anyone’s birth to be a pagan custom.” Augustus Neander, in The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries, agrees: “The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period in general.”
Reply:Christmas is what you want it to be. If you want to have a Christ centered Christmas then you can choose to have that by the choices you make during the run up to Christmas.
Reply:Im non-religious and I celebrate xmas as a way to spend time with family, and to take part in a celebration. I dont think about Jesus even once. And I am cool with that. For you, xmas might have a different meaning, but for many of us, its just an orgy of consumerism combined with an excuse to spend time with people who we rarely see.
Reply:yes Christmas ISN'T what it used to be-it used to be a pagan festival.
Reply:actually do your research, jesus was not born in december and nor does the festivals belong to the christian relgion the trees and holly was all used by pagans to brighten up the house with life for the comming spring.. its called yule.. jesus was actually born closer to the season he also died around march-april ..


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