Friday, May 21, 2010

I told the Salvation Army bell ringer to "F" off at the mall. Why do they harass us?

It was cold outside, I was waiting for shuttle to the parking garage. i stood inside the doors to the mall to stay warm and that guy with his bell asked me for a donation. I told him no. He asked why not. I told him to mind his own business using most of the cuss words I could think of.

Why do they hound us at the mall during Christmas time. I don't give them anything all year, why do they think I'll change one day when I go to the mall?

I told the Salvation Army bell ringer to "F" off at the mall. Why do they harass us?
I know it, damn hippies
Reply:I cannot believe what I am reading! Are you aware of what all the Salvation Army does all year when your not standing in the doors of the mall staying warm? First of all they don't stand in the doors tring to stay warm, no they stand out in the cold and are volunteering their time to make someone, who is not as spoiled as you, a nice christmas. Where were you when they were down in New Orleans after Katrina? What would you do if you got into a situation, and couldn't help yourself or your family? What would you do if you lost everything you had and no one was there to try to raise money ( quarters and nickels they collect) to try to help you? I know your thinking that I don't know what I'm talking about, but if you seriously think nothing like that could happen to you, then you might be in for a rude awakening! Hound you, no they are just tring to help someone who at the moment cannot help themselves. Greed is considered a deadly sin and I would love to see you go on judgement day and ask your maker the same question that you just asked us! If you don't give any money to them all year and you don't feel like you could drop a few nickels or dimes to help out, then instead of spending it all at the mall on things you could live without, maybe you should invest it in something that you really need- a new attitude!
Reply:Well that's a manly thing to do---yeah right. First of all, cursing is a sign of a low-class person, not a gentleman. Second, do you not realize that you could easily lose everything you have as well? There are natural disasters, electrical fires, robberies, identity theft, etc. that could destroy the life you currently have. No matter what you have, your ownage could be imminent and you may not even know it!

And so what if the bells are "annoying?" They sure as heck got your attention--like that Head On commercial that you can't get out of your head. It WORKS.

It was funny in that Bob Rivers song, but not in reality.
Reply:Instead of cussing him out why didn't you say "I didn't give all year, why should I give now?
Reply:Are you for real?

I sincerely doubt that the guy asked you, "Why not?"

If this happened at all, and if that really was your response... I doubt that it has anything to do with the Salvation Army. I think it had a lot more to do with you being a ****.
Reply:You are a liar. All they do is ring their bells. They don't actively solicit donations.

If you are offended, stay at home.
Reply:What!?! All they do is ring a bell!!!! If he asks if why you don't give him money, don't curse him. Just say you don't have any cash or loose change on you right now.
Reply:That is disgusting that you cussed at someone that volunteered to standout in the cold all day everyday to help needy people you should be ashamed. And during the holiday season too, you need some serious help. That really sickens me.
Reply:you worthless turd. Bell ringers are volunteers who are trying to make the season a little brighter for many of the down trodden.
Reply:Well they are doing it for a good coarse, but he shouldn't of been that persistent.
Reply:Why didn't you just throw your drink at them like you did to the poor woman in the theatre where you were smoking illegally?

I am beginning to think you should be the poster child favouring retroactive abortions.
Reply:I always donate something, whether it's loose change in my pocket or in the bottom of my purse or a dollar bill left in my hand still from the change I got back from my purchase. I don't give huge donations, just what little bit I have, it makes me feel good that I helped out.

I have never encountered someone that acted mean or aggravating when it comes to the Salvation Army lil red bell ringer. Maybe you were having a bad day perhaps?
Reply:I agree with your premise, if not your tactics.

Those bells alone are enough to drive a person insane, they could not pay me enough to sit there all day and ring that incessantly obnoxious bell.

And the "Salvation Army" itself I find offensive......... helping a bunch of hopeless drunks and druggies get clean for a minute so they can go back to the bottle or needle with a fresh start, Disgusting waste of money, when there are starving innocent children we could be helping instead. I would be MUCH more likely to drop some bills into a kettle held by a SILENT skinny child.
Reply:because sombody has to care for those in need. Obviously you dont.

Some people are genorous and do donate when people are there. Those people asking for donations do have an important purpose.

Next time think about how you would like it if you were trying to help someone by collecting donations and an ignorant person like you came up and did what you did.

You should be ashamed of yourself
Reply:Well...Mr. Merry Christmas, they aren't suppose to ask for money, but I guess some do, they are just trying to raise money for the unfortunates...... Lighten up!!!!!!
Reply:Keeping warm is going to be the least of your worries.
Reply:Nice, Sunshine..cussing out the Salvation Army guy. While he should have not pestered you reacted in a totally classless way and made your self look bad. Next time if someone does this tell them politely " I do not want to donate at this time."
Reply:Well you shouldve been the better person and not cursed him out because now you look like the jackass....i understand that they do get annoying but is it that hard to give them like a dime to quiet them down? I'm sure it was out of line for him to ask why not but you didnt have to go crazy on him...
Reply:They utilize the holiday season because they figure that people are more generous, and are willing to give. I understand your frustration, but keep in mind the people less fortunate the Salvation Army is helping. Next time, you could just walk away.

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