Friday, May 21, 2010

How did the Star on top of the Christmas Tradition Start?

This is what I heard:

One Christmas 5 of Santa's elfs got sick, 2 of the reindeer were giving birth, 2 jumped the fence and he couldn't find them, then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mother was coming for a visit, then one of the floor board broke through on the sleigh. FRUSTRATED, Santa then stormed into the house to have some cider and a shot of rum but then discovered the elves drank the cider and hid the rum...just then the door bell rang and a very irritated Santa marched to the door and yanked it open....and there stood an angel with a grat big Christmas tree and the angle said: Merry Christmas Santa..isn't it a beautiful DAY!!! I have this big tree for you....where would you like me to stick it????

that's what I heard.....what about you?

How did the Star on top of the Christmas Tradition Start?
Better for the joke section, but appreciated here none the less.

...many people (both parties!) here in pols seem like they need to remove a stick themselves sometimes...
Reply:Don't you mean "How did the ANGEL on top of the Christmas TREE Tradition Start?"?

Next time stick it in jokes....this is not political at all.
Reply:Star of David.

wtf is that all about.

Is there some crazy pill being given out today or what??
Reply:At first I thought that you misspelled angel. But as I soon realized you very craftily disguised the punch lne that was to come.

Angel [with an] angle.....

It started at that point in time as a carton. They had to hide the the point of entery from sensitive eyes so they used the star!!!

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