Friday, May 21, 2010

How did the Star on top of the Christmas Tradition Start?

This is what I heard:

One Christmas 5 of Santa's elfs got sick, 2 of the reindeer were giving birth, 2 jumped the fence and he couldn't find them, then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mother was coming for a visit, then one of the floor board broke through on the sleigh. FRUSTRATED, Santa then stormed into the house to have some cider and a shot of rum but then discovered the elves drank the cider and hid the rum...just then the door bell rang and a very irritated Santa marched to the door and yanked it open....and there stood an angel with a grat big Christmas tree and the angle said: Merry Christmas Santa..isn't it a beautiful DAY!!! I have this big tree for you....where would you like me to stick it????

that's what I heard.....what about you?

How did the Star on top of the Christmas Tradition Start?
I heard the same lol
Reply:I don't get it. Do you mean "How did the ANGEL on top...."?

Have YOU been into the cider and rum?
Reply:1st of all er body santa aint true or real so this b a bogus story tradtions start by one person doin somethin then it keeps goin and goin
Reply:I heard someone climbed the ladder and stuck in on top of the tree but you're story is better than mine!!!

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