Ignore the name. Is it religious by itself?
Is a plain Christmas tree christian? With just lights and bells?
The Christmas tree is a pagan icon adopted by the Christian faith.
Reply:The Christmas tree is nothing more than a symbol used to express Christmas.
You are free to have whatever type of tree you want and do not need to be concerned what other people think!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Reply:It is a pagan symbol-so popular it had to be incorporated into Chistmas as we know it. Amish, who I consider to be true Christans do without a tree-they have a very simple exchange of practical gifts study their bible the entire day and a finish with a nice meal.
American Christians are Pagans to the max-greed glitter bells and whistles Icons, idols, plastic and waste that is overwhelming!
Merry Christmas!
In the future, the ACLU could have you thrown in prison for even saying the forbidden word: Christmas.
Reply:No, the tradition was originally pagan, to celebrate the New Year.
Reply:Christmas trees were actually originally pagan and they were adopted later on by the Christians.
Reply:I don't think so. My family is an atheist family, and has a Christmas tree ever year, along with lights outside and our traditional Norwegian Christmas bread Yulacaga. Mmmm... :D
Merry Christmas everyone. No matter what your faith is, or what you believe, enjoy your holiday season.
Reply:The tree is supposed to represent the cross that Jesus died on so yes it's Christian.
Reply:A tree, with or without lights and bells, is whatever you want it to be. Christians choose to celebrate the birth of there Lord and saviour Jesus Christ with traditional symbols, but that does not mean it has to be a symbol for anyone else.
As expected, this forum has already begun to fill with a bunch of senseless idiots who have nothing better to do than to attack other's religious beliefs. Yet I am more than certain that they would be offended if someone attacked there beliefs. This is what our country, and indeed the entire world has become.
Reply:obviously it's not in the bible, but over time Christians have associated the tree with the religious holiday of Christmas.
Reply:Christmas is a christian holiday. And you only put up a christmas tree up at christmas so yes.
Reply:its not really meant to be religious symbol its a holiday symbol a nativity set is religious
yeah i know theyve been going crazy about this on the radio
Reply:The Christmas tree is not necessarily religious in any form. Originally the act of bringing evergreens into the house during Winter was a pagan ritual. That was later adopted by the Christians. Martin Luther started the tradition in Western Europe of decorating an evergreen and Queen Victoria, to please her German husband, had Christmas trees brought into her household too. Since people love to mimic royalty people followed suit. The Catholic church was opposed to them because they came from pagan and Protestant origins but eventually even the Catholic church relented and trees festoon Catholic churchs all over the Western world.
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